Comic Art fans is similar to Deviant Art just in my opinion but it still nice as a platform like deviantart. I like ComicArt Fans because it focuses more so on just ComicArt and fan art. But it doesn’t have all the features like you can create your own categories or galleries to organize your art. You have the ability to create and post drawings, you get to describe the drawings who the inker is, colorer is, and the artist. As you see below in the pictures on the home page everyone art is up there as its basically updated every few seconds because people around the world are always posting new art. Its about the same as Deviantart where when you post your drawing may end up at the end of a page or on the next page. This is something that makes it difficult to get noticed. They do have a few subscriptions up there I never used them mostly because of the fact I just use it as another way of promoting my artwork. Check it out below and take into account that it is free to use. You can follow the link here and check out the photos below I posted for you on the site. If you have any questions about the blog just let me know and I’ll be happy to to help. 



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