As we all know with 2023 a lot of people have been doing their best to save and to cut and even now are using computers and robots to save on the cost of labor. One prime example is AI which I’m sure a lot of you have heard about and is being used fast around the world, especially in the tech sector. AI(Artificial Intelligence) is the science of making machines that can think like humans. And just by looking at how many layoffs have occurred in the tech sector, we can see this is becoming a true thing where our jobs are getting replaced with computers. If you are running a business depending on the business this can be very effective for you. If you have AI it can reduce the amount of people you need and you may at most need just software engineers to fix issues relating to AI. With the way this economy is going we completely understand why businesses need to cut expenses and fear a looming recession. I would advise finding ways to reduce expenses without having to lay off your workforce. Follow my Twitter and stay up to date on how to reduce your operating expenses in a business. 


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