eCommerce, what is eCommerce? eCommerce is the trading of goods and services online. A lot of businesses are starting to do their own eCommerce business to help increase sales while making it easier for customers to purchase their services or products online. Now in answer to the question in the post “what is the best eCommerce Platform? Well, there is no right or wrong answer because it is always going to go based on your business needs. In doing a lot of research you will find that people vote Amazon as the best eCommerce Platform. Amazon is very popular and a lot of people have made thousands to millions of dollars selling their products and services on Amazon. Amazon is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms out there and their business is strictly only online and used by people around the world. Once again there are multiple platforms Etsy, Mercari, Shopify, eBay, Amazon, Redbubble, Facebook, etc. It’s a long very long list but each offers different services and of course, most if not all are going to take their cut a percentage of what you sell. Some charge more than others and some make it better to get your products seen which can result in more sales for your business. For example, everyone knows Amazon and your chances of getting sales on Amazon may be greater than your chances of getting sales on Redbubble. So it’s always best to find what you want and find the platform that works best for you. I will be creating an artist tip page talking about some of the eCommerce platforms out there and giving a brief description of the services and prices to use the platform for your business. Follow my twitter and stay tuned.

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