When it comes to drawing many don’t know some of the basics that can help you go from drawing a stick figure to a cartoon character. From there on you can learn how to draw real-life drawings or portraits. I grew up as a self-taught artist, I had my mom and Uncle to help with that, and a lot of that I was able to just by using sites like Youtube, and doing a lot of research. You really don’t need a college education to be a great artist and to be able to draw professionally. I draw a lot better than current artists now and they have master’s degrees for it. I and my twin brother both have stopped buying certain comics because they changed the artist for the comic series. I will have a page up soon displaying tutorials for my blog and youtube channel. These will be mostly brief videos showing you how to draw cartoons, the human eye, drawing digital, etc. You can also comment or email me something that you would like to know. These videos will be free of charge of course and I will respond to comments or questions as soon as I can. Follow my social media tags with the icons below for further updates and please continue to share. 

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