As we all know just like in movies and tv shows a script always has to be written out and planned so to make it go smooth when filming on set. You need to have everything organized and set ready to go with what tools and materials you need. The same goes for a comic book/strip that you do so the artist knows how to create the image that the writer is going for. I have written a couple of Scripts for my Comic Strips particularly my weekly Comics I’ve done in the past and still currently do. Below I have an attachment, a screenshot, and the Weekly Comic I did base on the script that I had typed. This is an example of what you can expect if you are a cartoonist and this document shows you how you do your best to describe what content will be on the page if the image is the page, how big the panels are, and what words are going to be told. You don’t have to write a paragraph for each panel but just make sure it’s clear so the penciler/Artist knows what you want without having to contact you back and forth asking questions about what you want on that page. So check it out you can open the Microsoft Word Doc attachment and check it out in comparison to what I had drawn. I’m the writer, Penciler, inker, & colorist for this work. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions. 

Weekly Comic’s 1


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