As I mentioned in an earlier post I’d start making brief videos on certain subjects some business or art related. This is just a brief video on what is available free of charge to everyone. You can literally get information for free nowadays and a college education is starting to become less effective.  A lot of jobs, especially in this economy, will hire you if you know the right people and also based on experience. This video just shows how to use one of the free websites that offer free education in multiple fields of your choice. Giving you the experience and knowledge you would get in an actual college. They give you certificates in a lot of these courses once completed and it’s good to grow in the field you’re looking to study. Check it out let me know if you have any questions and what you think of the mobile version of Alison. Remember you can access the mobile version on your phone through the regular web browser or download the Alison app for free on the Apple store or Google store.



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