Happy New Year Everyone!!

Its hard to imagine that we are already 1 month in to the new year. This year I’m focusing a lot of my digital art and trying to focus on making them into NFT. In an ealier post I talked alot about the NFT universe and now I’m focusing on how to get my Art noticed on OpenSea. OpenSea is one of the biggest NFT collections out there. So far as my research goes using social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even now TikTok has been spiking. Instagram and Twitter with their hashtag options make it easy to track people artwork as well as NFT. You may not see your artwork as NFT worthy but all I will say is that I’ve seen people sell an NFT if an egg. It wasn’t for much but what you think may not be worth much there will be someone in the Metaverse that may want your piece. I want to say if you don’t know much on NFT stayed tuned and follow my twitter on the right of my page I will tweet ideas and places for chats on where to find, buy, and sale NFTs. Thanks and let me know if you have any questions. Check out my NFT below by clicking the link here.

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