Happy New Year to all,

  I’m sure you all heard about the ban that might come with TikTok. And many of you know they have been talking about this over the years but now a bill has been passed. Now, will they sell TikTok to the United States? Well, only time will tell, but we should be paying attention to this, especially because many people use TikTok as their primary source of income and or business. As we know people are becoming famous and well-known from these social media, especially as inflation has hit people at an all-time high. We use TikTok for reviews, chefs/food recipes, travel, video, and comedy, it is now even more popular than Instagram. So banning it in the United States would hurt a lot of people as it would take away their business or hurt it indefinitely.  So now as writing this post they did do a ban giving TikTok till the end of the year or cease operations. Right now TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is trying to fight this bill and says he will shut it down before selling it. My opionion is it’s good to have your content on multiple platforms to help have a source of income from every platform available. Most of these start to offer once you hit a certain amount of followers. I hope this helps everyone and I will be tweeting about any changes and updates on this TikTok ban. 




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